Global Health Promise

Saving mothers who are trafficked or in sex work and their children.



Welcome to the home of Global Health Promise. We are dedicated to helping pregnant teens who are trafficked and mothers in sex work to access:

  1. quality maternal health care and to give birth in a hospital
  2. healthcare and education to their children
  3. nutritious food
  4. housing
  5. alternative sources of income
Support us

Your donation saves
mothers and children


Mothers who have been trafficked or who are in sex work are, first and foremost, mothers. And their children are just children, not “children of sex workers.” Together these mothers and their children are families. We base our programs on assisting the entire family impacted by trafficking and sex work to receive the help and services they need to be healthy and safe.

Our vision is that all these families receive the support they need; our mission is to save these mothers and their children and help them achieve their aspirations.

We conduct cutting edge research to identify the most pressing maternal health problems of these mothers and health needs of their children, and then implement programs to address these needs in collaboration with local partners.

To reach our vision and fulfill our mission we do research, implement programs, and provide advocacy.

How your donation will be spent:

  • Maternal health care for 480 pregnant trafficked teens and mothers, including food for four months
  • 1,200 food baskets to feed a family for one month
  • 84 Maternal support groups
  • Primary education for 100 children
  • Secondary education for 100 daughters of female sex workers and girls at risk of sexual exploitation
  • Economic empowerment/alternative sources of income for 100 teens and moms
  • Safe, long-term housing for 100 moms and their children
  • 3 Shelters for adolescents who are pregnant or new moms and their children and other mothers and their children

Together We Can Save Mothers And Their Children.


Global Health Promise is committed to saving the lives of teens who have been trafficked, mothers in sex work, and their children across the world. We conduct research to identify their maternal, neonatal, child, and adolescent health and other needs experienced by this vulnerable population and implement comprehensive programs to address these needs. 

We have a unique perspective:

we assist entire families impacted by trafficking or sex work.
Our comprehensive approach provides healthcare, housing, education, nutrition, and alternative sources of income.

We partner with local organizations to implement these programs

Families Reached
0 +
Countries Where We Work
Local Partners

What's New?

Listen as our Global Policy Advisor Wendy Macias-Konstantopoulos speaks to NPR about
“The invisible lives — and deaths — of the children of sex workers”

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Learn More About Global Health Promise

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